Macmillan Coffee Morning

Both homes, Little Haven and Forest Oaks took part in the Macmillan coffee morning campaign with wonderful cakes prepared by our Chef Managers, staff and residents.

Little Haven raised a whopping £167 and Forest Oaks raised £51.  All monies raised will be donated to The Macmillan Nurses at Macmillan Cancer Support.  Lisa Dillane the CEO of The Wilverley said it was wonderful to see everyone having such a fantastic time whilst raising money for such a worthy cause.  We would like to thank our residents and relatives who came and supported us and helped Macmillan teddyus to make sure that everyone had a good time.  As a charity ourselves we are always developing new ways to fundraise and it is so much easier with volunteers to help out.

At Little Haven we are currently looking for more volunteers to form a house committee and support us with outings, fundraising and activities within the home.  Just a few hours a week can make such a difference to our resident’s wellbeing.  For more information please contact Liz Greenhalgh (Marketing) on 02380 847222.

Macmillan cakes   Macmillan  macmillan raffle