Children in Need 2014

A custard dunking was what was called for at The Wilverley Association’s Little Haven care home on Friday, all in aid of Children In Need. Along with thousands of people across Hampshire and the UK, Little Haven were determined to do their bit to raise as much as possible, supporting charities to make a real difference to the lives of children across the UK. Little Haven’s Manager, Sue Makhzangi and Healthcare Assistant Katie Biddlecombe didn’t take much convincing to sit in a pool of custard on Friday afternoon and have residents, relatives, staff, friends and supporters queue up to buy custard to tip over their heads. One new resident to Little Haven, Bill said “it didn’t seem quite right pouring it over their heads, it felt slightly kinder to pour it into Katie’s hand!” The Wilverley Organisation’s Activities Coordinator, Lucy Paxton organized this wet and sloppy challenge, together with an indoor fete for residents, relatives and staff with games, a cake stall and tombola all to raise money for Children In Need 2014. Lucy told me, “We’ve outdone ourselves, a few years ago we did a baked beans challenge but this year we’ve broken our record and raised a fantastic £304, more than ever before.” A big thank you goes to Sue and Katie for being such good sports. Katie told me “we’ve all had a lot of fun this afternoon and we’ve raised a really good amount of money for a great cause at the same time.”